Commercial and technical translations: Spanish, English, French
  Providers of translation services since 1998 "The limits of my language mean
the limits of my world."
  Guadalajara, Spain Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951)
English, French, Portuguese, German & Spanish translation
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Commercial and technical translations: Spanish, English, French

Looking for a translation agency that understands why you need to translate your documents?
Need a translation done by a professional translator who does more than just translate word for word?

Speak to us about how we can help you cut translation costs, reduce lead times and improve quality ...

ISO 9001 certification
ISO 9001
EN 15038 certification
EN 15038
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
Spanish to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
English to French
German to Spanish

What is the EN 15038 translation quality standard?

EN 15038 is the first Europe-wide standard to set out the requirements for the provision of quality services by translation service providers. Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L. is certified in accordance with the UNE-EN 15038 standard and holds certification number ST-00004/10.

It charts the best-practice processes involved in providing a translation service from commissioning, translation, review, project management and quality control through to delivery.

It also specifies the requirements for the translation service provider with regard to human and technical resources, quality and project management, the contractual framework and service procedures.

In terms of translation quality (rather than service quality) it specifies two key requirements:

  • Professional competences of translators: these should possess competences at least equivalent to those obtained through formal higher education in translation (recognised degree).

  • Revision: all translation work should be revised by a reviser possessing the same competences as the original translator.

In short, EN 15038 encompasses the core translation process and all other related aspects involved in providing the translation service, including quality assurance and traceability.

English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
Spanish to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
English to French
German to Spanish
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Asociación de Empresarios del Henares
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CEOE CEPYME Guadalajara
 Tel. +34 949 264 873 Fax +34 949 264 046
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