Commercial and technical translations: Spanish, English, French
  Providers of translation services since 1998 "The limits of my language mean
the limits of my world."
  Guadalajara, Spain Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951)
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Commercial and technical translations: Spanish, English, French

Looking for a translation agency that understands why you need to translate your documents?
Need a translation done by a professional translator who does more than just translate word for word?

Speak to us about how we can help you cut translation costs, reduce lead times and improve quality ...

ISO 9001 certification
ISO 9001
EN 15038 certification
EN 15038
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
Spanish to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
English to French
German to Spanish

Why is translation quality so important?

We understand that companies decide to translate documents because they want to achieve specific outcomes.

We understand that in the corporate world the desired outcome is usually either to increase earnings directly (by winning a bid, making a sale, or convincing decision-makers) or indirectly (by building brand image and reputation among the target audience).

At Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L., we understand that your original document's purpose is to communicate and connect effectively with readers, and we understand that just as a poor-quality text in the source language will fail to do this, so a poor-quality translation will fail to achieve your objectives.

High-quality translation = Effective communication = Increased earnings

We understand the clear and direct impact translation quality has on communication outcomes, which is why we recommend you view decisions affecting translation quality in terms of the return on investment it generates.

We also recommend you approach translation the same way you approach source-language document production.

We know that the documents you commission us to translate are important to your organisation and that they will have been through a tightly controlled production process.

We know that they will have been drafted, edited and reviewed by a team of people before receiving final approval, and we know that you expect your Translation Service Provider to employ similarly stringent quality control procedures when translating your documents.

What is translation quality?

Quality is something that practically every Translation Service Provider claims to offer. But what is translation quality? How can you recognise it?

Although it is often argued that translation quality is subjective, it is nevertheless possible to establish objective quality criteria for the translation itself, the work process and the overall service.

Here are the basic criteria that a Translation Service Provider offering a quality service should fulfil:

i) Translation

  • Correct transfer of information from the source text to the target text.
  • Appropriate choice of terminology, vocabulary, idiom and register in the target language.
  • Appropriate use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax, as well as accurate transfer of dates, names, figures, etc. in the target language.
  • Appropriate style for the purpose of the text.

ii) Work process

  • Certification in accordance with national and/or international quality standards.

iii) Service

  • Speed and appropriateness of response to customer queries.
  • Fulfilment of delivery commitments.

Quality standards

Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L. is certified in accordance with the UNE-EN 15038 (certification number ST-0004/10) and UNE-EN-ISO 9001 (certification number EC-5443/10) quality standards. These certifications endorse our work methodology, quality management system and the quality of our translation and language services.

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How can you judge the quality of a specialised translation if you do not speak the language?

This is one of the aspects that may initially make it difficult to assess the quality of a translation. If the text has been translated into your native language, then you probably have a good idea of the quality of the finished document, but not of the accuracy of the technical translation. However, if it is not translated into your native language, then you may find it even more difficult to judge whether the translation meets your requirements.

However, the translation has been done for a purpose and one of the best judges of the quality of the text is the target reader (distributor, user, customer, etc.). Ask for reader feedback. Is it a good translation? Is the terminology correct? Is the translation suitable for its purpose?

What affects translation quality?

There are a number of factors that have an impact on the quality of a specialised translation. Here are a few tips to help you to recognise those that are likely to influence the end result.

  • Translator's competence, expertise and native language. Professional translators only work into their native language. Find out who will be doing the technical translation and ask about their credentials, fields of expertise and experience.

  • Revision and proof-reading. To ensure the highest standards of translation quality it is advisable to perform quality control by having someone other than the original translator revise the translated text before delivery. If the translation is going to be published, it is also advisable to have the translator check the proofs to make sure that the typesetters have not made any unwelcome alterations or additions to the translation. After all, they often do not speak the language that the translated document is written in and are not aware they are making mistakes.

  • Deadline. Just like anything else, it takes time to produce a high-quality translation. Rushed work is rarely good work.

  • Amount of communication between the translator and the client. Generally speaking, the more communication there is between the translator and the client, the better the end result. This communication normally takes the form of queries about the terminology most appropriate for the context in which the client's organisation and industry operate, but may also include file formats or document lay-out, among other aspects.

What is the difference between revision and proof-reading?

Revision is a quality control step in the translation process and consists of examining a translation to ensure that it is suitable for its purpose, comparing the original against the translation and checking grammar, spelling, punctuation, terminology, syntax and style, as well as accurate transfer of dates, names, figures, etc. in the target language.

Proof-reading consists of checking the proofs prior to publication and is performed after revision. It is not as comprehensive as revision and is principally intended to detect errors introduced in the typesetting phase of production.

English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
Spanish to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
English to French
German to Spanish
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