Commercial and technical translations: Spanish, English, French
  Providers of translation services since 1998 "The limits of my language mean
the limits of my world."
  Guadalajara, Spain Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951)
English, French, Portuguese, German & Spanish translation
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Commercial and technical translations: Spanish, English, French

Looking for a translation agency that understands why you need to translate your documents?
Need a translation done by a professional translator who does more than just translate word for word?

Speak to us about how we can help you cut translation costs, reduce lead times and improve quality ...

ISO 9001 certification
ISO 9001
EN 15038 certification
EN 15038
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
Spanish to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
English to French
German to Spanish

Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L. has been providing translation services to corporate clients since 1998. Over that time, we have built up a wealth of experience in the translation field and have repeatedly proven our capacity to deliver specialised translations that meet the demanding standards set by our local, national and international clients.

At Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L. we not only translate for our clients, we also show them how integrating a professional translator into their business processes helps cut costs, reduce lead times and enhance translation quality.

We can provide you with the high-quality technical translation service and support you need when working in foreign-language markets and environments because:

  • We understand your business.
  • We understand what you want to achieve and why you need to translate your documents.
  • We understand how translation fits into your business processes.
  • We understand and are fully aware of how the material we translate affects your reputation and the way your organisation is perceived.

To speak to us about how our high-quality specialised translation services can help your organisation achieve its aims, click on the Contact link at the top of the page and let us know your translation requirements.

If you are already clear about what you want from your translation service provider, then click on the Price estimate link and we will provide you with a service proposal.

Our high-quality technical translation services cover the entire range of documents that organisations working in the global marketplace need to translate:

  • Annual reports and accounts
  • Contracts
  • Instruction manuals
  • Marketing communications
  • Market surveys
  • Reports
  • Sales support documentation
  • Tenders
  • Web content
  • Etc.

Which service do you need? Translation or interpreting?

Both work with words, but translation involves written texts, whilst interpreting is spoken.

The amount of content organisations translate is growing exponentially and, as companies internationalise, translation becomes an integral part of business requiring effective and coherent management.

At Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L., not only do we have the requisite translation expertise, we also understand why organisations need translation services and understand how a professional translator can make a key contribution to their business processes.

Why is translation quality so important?

In the corporate world, translation quality is vitally important because:

High-quality translation = Effective communication = Increased earnings

Translation quality's impact on the desired outcome is clear and direct, which is why we recommend you view decisions affecting translation quality in terms of the return on investment it generates.

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UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 quality standard

UNE-EN-ISO 9001 is an international standard applied to quality management systems. It covers all of the aspects of quality management that an organisation needs to address to manage and enhance the quality of its products and services. In our case, it applies to the system we use to manage the quality of our translation and editing services.

Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L. is certified in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 quality standard and holds certification number EC-5443/10

EN 15038 translation quality standard

EN 15038 is the first Europe-wide standard to set out the requirements for the provision of quality services by translation service providers. Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, S.L. is certified in accordance with the UNE-EN 15038 standard and holds certification number ST-00004/10.

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Advice on choosing a Translation Service Provider

There are a vast number of companies, agencies and freelance translators out there.

How can you choose between them?

What do you need to look for?

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Why contract a Translation Service Provider?

There is more than one way of getting a specialised translation done. The key to success is to choose the right option.

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English to Spanish
Spanish to English
French to Spanish
Spanish to French
Spanish to Portuguese
English to Portuguese
English to French
German to Spanish
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Asociación de Empresarios del Henares
Member of:
CEOE CEPYME Guadalajara
 Tel. +34 949 264 873 Fax +34 949 264 046
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Plaza de España, 1 - Oficina 10, 19200 Azuqueca de Henares, Guadalajara, Spain   Privacy Policy Disclaimer